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MBA in Germany

Expatrio 2024-02-15
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Do you want to maximize your earning potential during your time in Germany? Do you also want to learn valuable skills and boost your confidence at the same time? If so, earning an MBA in Germany makes a lot of sense. These business qualifications open so many doors for holders, in all sorts of business sectors.

MBA programs in Germany offer an excellent education, happening in one of Europe’s most stable and innovative economies. Students gain international experience and a valuable network while they complete their studies.

So let's explore what they are, where to study, and how to apply. That way, we can set your German business career on the road to success.


General Information about MBA

MBA degrees are often seen as a passport to executive positions in companies across the world.

MBA programs in Germany are not just for people who want to be CEOs or entrepreneurs. The skills you learn in these courses are useful no matter what your eventual career goals might be. And, of course, an MBA from a German business school looks great on your CV.

MBA programs in Germany are designed to develop students’ business skills and prepare them for management positions. With the right MBA (Master of Business Administration) in their possession, holders can build prosperous careers in corporations, pursue research agendas, or create their own companies with a foundation of knowledge and contacts.

MBA courses teach students skills that are relevant to business management. Featuring modules on topics like financial analysis, legal structures, psychology, human resources, and business strategy, equip graduates with useful skills, while allowing them to build relationships with companies and influencers in their chosen profession.


Is an MBA in Germany free?

MBAs across the world tend to be relatively expensive courses. That's because they attract wealthy students, and are often funded by major companies. As such, finding a free MBA in Germany may not be possible.

Even public universities often charge for this course, while offering other courses for free. Having said that, if you want a cut-price MBA in Germany DAAD may be the place to look. The scholarship-granting body often lists grants for international students at major business schools.

Another good option to find this course is MBA Lounge, the website includes a comprehensive search function and students can search by subject or university. 


How much will it cost to do an MBA in Germany?

Otherwise, students will need to pay the standard fees for their program. Fees vary between institutions, but will range from €4,000 to as much as €36,000 for a 1-year course in Germany.


Top 10 MBA Programs in Germany

There are several recognized universities and business schools in Germany that offer part-time and full-time Programs.

Let us take a look at some of the best universities in Germany for MBA program:

  • Frankfurt School of Finance & Management: heavily focused on the skills required by financial institutions
  • ESMT Berlin: takes a global view, with excellent modules on sustainable business
  • WHU: ideal for working at manufacturing companies
  • Mannheim Business School: specialized in international career paths -- so, great for overseas students
  • Pforzheim University: conveniently located for industrial placements
  • HHL Leipzig: famous for producing some of Germany's most innovative entrepreneurs
  • University of Cologne Executive School: scores highly with its joint programs with Rotterdam's School of Management
  • HWR, Berlin School of Economics and Law: excellent links to the City of London and Asian financial centers
  • Technical University of Munich: has an excellent reputation for encouraging innovation
  • ESCP Berlin: offers a cosmopolitan business education, with strong links across Europe.

There are several reasons why German business schools play only a minor role in various international rankings. Compared to Harvard Business School, Wharton or Stanford, German business schools are of course still quite young and have much smaller budgets.

However, they also rarely have the internationally important accreditations and certificates from AACSB, AMBA or EQUIS. In Germany, just 13 business schools have at least one of the top MBA certificates. Only two have achieved the Triple Crown: Mannheim Business School and ESCP Europe in Berlin. Certainly, any MBA program from these top universities can be considered as great starting points for pursuing your course.


Why Germany is a smart choice for MBA

With its history of technical innovation, methodical business culture, and global orientation, you would expect German MBAs to score highly with global judges, and you wouldn't be wrong

Germany's business schools are among Europe's best, and compare favorably with any in North America, the UK, or Asia. German MBAs tend to offer several advantages that alternatives in the UK, France, or Spain cannot. For example:


Links to German Industry

These colleges tend to be tightly connected to Germany's manufacturing sector. Because of this, leading schools can offer placements in factories and offices, where students can learn as they work, and build connections that can come in handy later.


In-Depth, Skills-Based Learning

German MBAs also generally deliver a more in-depth level of tuition, with a focus on research and rigor, instead of fashionable theories and big-name lecturers. This can make German MBAs a better investment for those who want to return to work quickly with new, immediately applicable skills.


Value for Money

Then there's cost. German courses are usually cheaper than the equivalent in the USA or the UK, and grants may be available for overseas students.


Is an MBA in Germany good?

Generally speaking, yes, German MBAs are worth studying for. They provide useful skills and may open doors to career paths in Germany.

However, global rankings don't always reflect these facts. For instance, the Financial Times Top 100 MBA ranking includes just 3 German schools. So, if you intend to work internationally in places like Hong Kong, London, or New York, a German MBA may not be ideal.


Why complete an MBA in Germany?

A Master's degree allows international students to further specialize in certain areas of a subject and expands the knowledge gained from a Bachelor's degree. Students who want to pursue a career in business, but may not have the necessary qualifications or experience, can use an MBA as a way of improving their employment prospects.

An MBA from a German business school will give you an excellent grounding in all aspects of business, from economics and finance to marketing, management, and strategy. It will also provide you with the opportunity to learn about specific aspects of German business culture and how businesses operate in Germany.

An MBA will also give you the chance to network with other business professionals from around the world, which can be invaluable when it comes to finding a job after graduation. All over the world, MBA graduates from Germany are in high demand, especially since the education system in Germany is highly regarded.

Thanks to the Bologna reform, the range of courses on offer has also become increasingly international. Therefore, the land of poets and thinkers is extremely popular with German Master's students. And more international students are also choosing to study in Germany.


Requirements and Application

MBAs in Germany have specific admission requirements, just like any German courses, so it pays to check your course in Germany eligibility before beginning the application process.


General eligibility requirements

Generally speaking, applicants will need the following qualifications or documents:

  • A relevant undergraduate degree: The type of degree and specific academic requirements will vary depending on the MBA course you want to study. For example, business-related undergraduate degrees are often required for business school MBAs.
  • Strong performance in GMAT tests (Graduate Management Admission Tests): Most MBA courses in Germany, as well as around the world, require applicants to take the GMAT.
  • Academic certificates: Most courses will require official copies of your academic transcripts and certificates.
  • Qualifications proving
  • German fluency
  • Letters of recommendation and motivation: You will also need to write a letter of motivation explaining why you want to study for an MBA in Germany and how the qualification will help you achieve your future goals.
  • A valid German student visa and residency permit
  • A scanned copy of your passport
Check your academic credentials
Always check whether your academic credentials are accepted in Germany. If not, you may need to undertake a 6 month prep course to gain admission. Your university should advise about how to arrange this course.


How can I apply for an MBA in Germany?

Students will generally apply for a course online, so there's no need to deal with a stack of documents. Just find a way to make high-quality scans of your documents, and upload them to your university's application portal.

Most of the time, you can access these portals via Uni-Assist - which links together German universities. It makes the application process much easier.


Duration of a German MBA degree

These degrees aren't designed to stretch out for years

Instead, they are relatively concise courses, with densely packed modules and assessments. The aim is to provide graduates with the business skills they need, as quickly as possible.


How long does it take to get an MBA degree in Germany?

Typically, an MBA in Germany will have a duration of 12-18 months. This can be longer, but students rarely graduate in less than a year.

Explore the possibilities for joint courses. For instance, some universities may offer an course with social science components, or technical modules relating to specific industries. And some offer extended periods at partner institutions in other countries.

Whatever you choose, expect to enhance your career prospects. Statistics vary, but estimates from Mannheim Business School suggest that graduates see an 81% MBA "premium", as their new skills and qualifications kick in. If that sounds good to you, exploring the options for a German MBA is a fantastic idea.

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FAQ: MBA in Germany


Does an MBA in Germany require work experience?

In addition to a first academic degree (such as a Bachelor's or diploma), professional experience is one of the most important requirements that international students must fulfill for admission to an MBA program at German universities.

Although MBA programs can be entered directly after a first university degree, the majority of MBA offerings are aimed at so-called "young professionals," i.e., young people with an academic education who are already working in a profession. This is also reflected in the minimum age of MBA entrants, which in Germany is over 30.


Is it worth doing an MBA in Germany?

There is only one answer: it depends. If it is for the costs, an MBA in Germany generally is one of the cheapest for international students in Germany. An MBA is generally suitable for all academics who aspire to a management position. Originally, the degree was intended for non-economists and was intended to prepare them for management tasks. After all, specialized knowledge from a degree program does not help in day-to-day management. Instead, management skills and an overview of economics are what count. At the same time, global rankings don't always reflect the high quality MBA education German universities provide. For example, the Financial Times Top 100 MBA ranking includes just 3 German schools.


Is an MBA free in Germany?

In general, an MBA degree is not free of charge. On average, costs for an MBA are around 17,000 euros. But the costs highly depend on each business school and their individual tuition fees. There are numerous MBA programs in Germany, especially thematically specialized ones, costing between 8,000 and 15,000 euros. Others charge more than 25,000 euros in tuition.

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