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How To Write A Bachelor/Master Thesis [2024]

Expatrio 2024-02-15
Student schreibt Bachelor Arbeit


It's that time of year again when students are wrapping up their final semester and beginning to write their dissertation. In Germany, students must adhere to some particular formatting standards while writing their Bachelor's or Master's thesis. 

The dissertation is a crucial component of all German higher education programs. Students may use it to demonstrate their understanding and abilities in a given field of study. The thesis also plays a crucial role in helping students develop critical thinking and research skills. They are a valuable preparation for future career opportunities.

In this article, we'll go through everything you must do to write a successful thesis. We will also provide tips and tricks to stay organized and on track throughout the process!


Thesis writing process

Bachelor’s thesis vs. Master’s thesis

A Bachelor's and a Master's thesis are two types of academic papers. A Bachelor's thesis is usually shorter and is meant to show that the student has learned the basics of the subject. In contrast, a Master's thesis is more extended and more in-depth. It should serve as evidence that the student has mastered their chosen subject.


How to format your Bachelor's or Master's thesis in Germany

The following are some of the most critical format requirements in any thesis:

Note: Depending on the university and the "style" of the student's thesis, the formatting requirements might vary (e.g., Harvard or APA). Be sure to check with your supervisor or department for specific guidelines.

  • Margins: Your thesis must have 1-inch margins on all sides.
  • Spacing: The text must be double-spaced.
  • Fonts: Subtitles must be in a 14-point typeface. The text's main body should be in 12-point font, subheadings in a 14-point typeface, and title headings in a 16-point typeface.
  • Length: A Bachelor's thesis should be around 60 pages, while a Master's thesis should be about 80 pages.
  • Language: Your thesis must be written in German or English, depending on your program.
Thesis different sections

Let's take a look at each thesis component, starting with the Title page. The following are the required sections for both Bachelor's and Master's thesis.


Title page 

The title page of your thesis must include the following information:

  • The title of your thesis
  • Your name
  • The name of your supervisor
  • The name of your program
  • The date



The abstract is a summary of your thesis. It should be a maximum of one page long and include the following information:

  • Your research questions
  • Aim
  • Objectives


Table of contents

The table of contents must list all of the sections and subsections of your thesis.

  • List of figures: The figures must include all the figures used in your thesis.
  • List of tables: The list of tables must consist of all of the tables used in your thesis.



The introduction should explain the context of your research and the problem you are trying to solve. A Bachelor's thesis should be around three pages, while a Master's thesis should be about five pages.


Literature review

The literature review critically analyzes the existing research on your topic. The literature review is an essential part of any research paper.

It helps you situate your research within the context of existing scholarship and allows you to critically evaluate the existing research on your topic. It is essential to be as critical as possible when reviewing the literature. It would be best if you addressed questions such as:

  • What are the limitations of the existing research?
  • What gaps does the current research leave open?
  • How can my research contribute to the current body of scholarship?



The methodology section explains the research methods you used to collect data for your thesis. This information is crucial because it allows the reader to understand how you gathered your data and what conclusions you drew from it. It is also essential to be transparent when describing your research methods so the reader can evaluate them critically.


Results & Discussion

Result and discussion: The results section presents the data you collected during your research. The discussion section is where you interpret the data and discuss the implications of your findings.



The conclusion summarizes your findings and their implications for practice or future research. A Bachelor's thesis should be around three pages, while a Master's thesis should be about five pages.



The references section lists the sources you used in your thesis. It is essential to list all of the sources you used, even if you did not cite them directly in the text.



The appendices include any additional material relevant to your thesis but do not fit within the main body of the text. This part might consist of data sets, survey instruments, or detailed descriptions of research methods.


Tips and tricks for writing a successful Bachelor's or Master's thesis

Choose a topic you are passionate about: This factor will make writing your thesis much easier, as you already have some knowledge about the subject. Passion will also help you stay motivated throughout the writing process!

Do your research: Make sure to do a thorough literature review to be familiar with the existing research on your topic. This step will also help you develop new and original ideas for your thesis.

Create an outline: Once you have done your research, create an outline of your thesis to know what topics you will cover and in what order. It will help you stay organized and on track.

Start early and give yourself enough time: This will allow you to avoid unnecessary stress.

Create a schedule and stick to it: This step will help you stay on track and make steady progress.

Take breaks and reward yourself: Breaks are essential to avoid burnout. Make sure to schedule some breaks and reward yourself for completing tasks! It will help you stay motivated.

Get feedback from your supervisor: It is vital to get regular feedback throughout the process. It will ensure that you are on the right track.

Ask for help when you need it: Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. There are many resources available to help you with the writing process.

These are the general guidelines for writing a Bachelor's or Master's thesis. However, checking with your supervisor and program for specific requirements is essential. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to writing a Bachelor's or Master's thesis. However, these tips and tricks will help you write a successful dissertation!

Happy writing!


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Read the below article to learn more.


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