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Big News! Expatrio in Southeast Asia

Admin 2024-02-19


Expatrio is glad to announce that we have been chosen together with six other startups to participate in the acceleration program of German Accelerator Southeast Asia. Expatrio is excited to become a part of the class 2020-1 and we have high expectations for the upcoming five months. 


German Accelerator Southeast Asia is an accelerator that supports German startups and empowers them to scale in Southeast Asia, providing hands-on support to create and execute a go-to-market strategy. German Accelerator Southeast Asia is also supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy.

GASEAGerman Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy

For Expatrio, participation in this program is a great opportunity to deepen the understanding of the Southeast Asian market and build a better awareness around the brand. Apart from that, we will focus on the tailoring of the regional strategy and broadening of the professional network.

We are delighted to become part of German Accelerator Southeast Asia. With fantastic mentors and a vast network in business, politics, and education, the program will help us refine our product-market fit and better understand the individual characteristics of this tremendously growing region.” - Tim Meyer, Expatrio Co-Founder.

Expatrio at the Embassy of Singapore
Ms. Carmen Wong, First Secretary (Administration and Consu-
lar Affairs) of Singapore in Berlin, Urs Unkauf, Expatrio Director
of Public Affairs, Mr. Weimin Guo, Deputy Chief of Mission and
Counselor at Singapore Embassy in Berlin, Alex Ruthemeier,
Expatrio Co-Founder

Expatrio has close ties with Singapore both professionally and personally. Expatrio’s Co-Founders, Tim Meyer and Alex Ruthemeier, have been living there in the past and are still regularly visiting the country. This has led to a profound relationship with the Singapore Embassy in Berlin. The main topic discussed during Expatrio’s last visit to the Embassy in 2019, was student exchange between Germany and Singapore and the ways we can foster it. Apart from that, Expatrio introduced DeGiS (Deutsche Gesellschaft internationale Studierende). DeGiS is the largest network for international students with Expatrio being its founding partner.

After the acceptance to the program, Expatrio received best wishes from the Ambassador H.E. Mr. Laurence Bay Siow Hon. “Congratulations to Expatrio Global Services for being part of German Accelerator Southeast Asia, which has been performing excellent work in assisting German startups to scale globally. With Singapore as a gateway to ASEAN and the region, I wish Expatrio all the best in its quest to bring more young talents from Southeast Asia to Germany."

Expatrio already had the pleasure to participate in the first introductory meeting of class 2020-1, which took place on January 17th in Munich. We got to know all the participants that represent various areas. Here is our class:

  • Certif-ID (HR Tech, from Cologne) is a global, blockchain-powered networking platform and a dedicated skills community. It brings together educational and technical training institutions, experts and recruiters on a single platform. 
  • Exaloan (FinTech, from Frankfurt) provides technology to institutional investors in digital loans. They enable their clients to deploy capital globally in individual loans across digital lending platforms with full automation. 
  • apoQlar (MedTech, from Hamburg) is a leader of Holomedicine. They specialize in imaging techniques (mixed and augmented reality) and data evaluation, with quality assurance by artificial intelligence and continuous machine learning. 
  • Build38 (Cybersecurity, from Munich) is a global provider of mobile application protection solutions.
  • Iconic Holding (FinTech, from Frankfurt) works as the bridge enabling enterprise-grade crypto-asset investment opportunities as the tokenization of financial and real-world assets enhance financial institutional markets. 
  • Moonfare (FinTech, from Berlin) is a technology platform that enables individuals and their advisors to invest in top-tier private equity funds.


Accelerator class 2020
German Accelerator Southeast Asia Class 2020-1

Expatrio Co-Founder, Tim Meyer, also had an opportunity to talk directly with Claus Karthe, Founder & CEO of German Accelerator Southeast Asia, discussing Expatrio’s experiences and achievements so far as well as plans and expectations for the future five months. Claus also shared with us his thoughts about Expatrio:

Tim Meyer, Expatrio Co-Founder and Claus Karthe, Founder & CEO, German Accelerator Southeast Asia
Tim Meyer, Expatrio Co-Founder and Claus Karthe,
Founder & CEO, German Accelerator Southeast Asia

"We are happy to welcome Expatrio to the German Accelerator Southeast Asia program. They were selected after a rigorous process and based on Expatrio's already established business in the region, we are convinced that Expatrio is a perfect fit for the program. We look forward to working closely on their local strategy and leverage our extensive network to aid Expatrio's prosperous expansion." - Claus Karthe, Founder & CEO, German Accelerator Southeast Asia.


Expatrio is definitely ready for such a challenge as German Accelerator Southeast Asia. We are already looking forward to the next meeting, which will take place in February in Singapore and we hope we can share with you even more exciting updates which Expatrio Co-Founder, Tim Meyer, will bring from there. Stay tuned!

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