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University of Hamburg


Innovation, Business & Sustainability

Subjects: Innovation;Entrepreneurship;Sustainability;Business

M.Sc. | Master of Science

⏳  Duration
4 Semesters
🔠 Teaching Language
💶  Application Fee non-EU
No information

💶  Cost per Semester ? Separate from the tuition fees, the cost per semester refers to another fee students pay each semester, covering registration fees, administrative costs, and often a public transport ticket.
332 EUR

💶  Tuition Fees per Semester
No Tuition Fee
⏱️ Application Deadline Summer
No information

⏱️ Application Deadline Winter

Course description

The Master of Innovation, Business and Sustainability (MIBAS) program zeroes in on honing specific knowledge and skills in international corporate management and sustainability. This program unites students from diverse cultural backgrounds, offering a collaborative platform to grasp the intricate dynamics of the global economy. Through its taught component, MIBAS immerses students in both theoretical and practical challenges that companies and society encounter while striving for sustainable business strategies. The curriculum delves into the ethical, ecological, social, and political ramifications of corporate value creation processes. This approach aims to instill a profound sense of responsibility in students, preparing them to become conscientious future leaders. MIBAS is an international and interdisciplinary program. Since the winter semester of 2016/17, all courses are conducted entirely in English.

Program Information

Study Location Hamburg
Start Semester Winter
Study Form Full-time
Study Type Postgraduate
Teaching Language English
Dual No
Remote No
Application Fee non-EU No information
Study Length 4 Semesters
Tuition Fees per Semester No Tuition Fee
Cost per Semester 332 EUR
Step 2 - Check Application Requirements
⏱️ Application Start Summer
No information

⏱️ Application Deadline Summer
No information
⏱️ Application Start Winter

⏱️ Application Deadline Winter

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Application Requirements

Language Requirements

CEFR No information
Cambridge (CAE) No information

• Revised TOEFL Paper-delivered Test: at least 22 points per skill (Reading, Listening, Writing) • TOEFL internet-based test (test date scores): 92 points with at least 22 points per skill (Listening, Writing, Speaking, Reading) • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) – Academic: Overall Band Score at least 6,5, (Good Competent User), with at least 6,0 per skill • Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) • Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) • Cambridge Higher Business English Certificate (BEC)

Qualification Requirements

University degree A first university degree in socioeconomics or an equivalent degree in social sciences, economics and business administration or law. Graduates from other degrees can be admitted. Either as part of the degree or as separate studies, applicants must have completed the following at the time of application: • at least 15 ECTS altogether from at least 4 of the following areas: business administration at an undergraduate level, accounting, financing, investment, marketing, management, controlling, HR, organization, information systems, production, taxation AND • at least 12 ECTS in research methods (quantitative methods and/or qualitative methods). You will be asked to indicate the relevant courses during the online application procedure. To prove these requirements, please note the following: • Only academic credits can be accepted, i.e. from a university (e.g. during your bachelor's studies, exchange semester, etc.). • If the course content is not clear from the course title in your transcript of records, please add a course description to your application documents. • We cannot evaluate your previous coursework in advance of the application period. The selection committee will assess all applications after the application deadline. • Professional experience cannot be considered for fulfilling these requirements.

Document Requirements

Scan of the first degree certificate (if not yet available, a current transcript of records and a confirmation from the examination office / the academic office, which states that you are able to finish your studies until the beginning of the master's program) • Transcript of records / official overview of grades including grade point average • Proof of background knowledge in business administration and in research methods: e.g. your transcript proving at least 15 ECTS credits (or equivalent) in business administration and at least 12 ECTS credits (or equivalent) in research methods. Please upload course descriptions where course titles do not provide adequate information on the course content. • For applicants holding a degree from a university outside of Germany: recognition of your foreign educational qualification ( • Written justification of your choice of degree. Please justify your choice of program based on the points listed on the program’s website: • Proof of English language skills or registration for one of the mentioned tests • Curriculum Vitae (CV), in English

Application Process

Acceptance Interview No
Acceptance local admission restrictions Restricted
Application directly at the University
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