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University of Kassel


Business Studies

Subjects: Business Studies;Business

M.Sc. | Master of Science

⏳  Duration
3 Semesters
🔠 Teaching Language
English, German
💶  Application Fee non-EU
No information

💶  Cost per Semester ? Separate from the tuition fees, the cost per semester refers to another fee students pay each semester, covering registration fees, administrative costs, and often a public transport ticket.
341 EUR

💶  Tuition Fees per Semester
No Tuition Fee
⏱️ Application Deadline Summer

⏱️ Application Deadline Winter

Course description

With a Master's degree in Business Studies, you'll dive into a specialized course designed to prepare you for high-level management roles in the global economy or a career in research. Throughout your studies, you'll craft custom solutions to business challenges using scientific insights. In seminars conducted in both German and English, you'll engage in discussions on current, practice-relevant research topics. You'll learn to analyze complex issues from various perspectives, whether it's from the viewpoint of customers, employees, or investors. Beyond gaining specialized knowledge, you'll also develop crucial skills in organization and communication, setting you up for success in your future career. Our graduates thrive in diverse fields such as risk management, digital consulting, strategic controlling, market research, and organizational development.

Program Information

Study Location Kassel
Start Semester Summer, Winter
Study Form Full-time
Study Type Postgraduate
Teaching Language English, German
Dual No
Remote No
Application Fee non-EU No information
Study Length 3 Semesters
Tuition Fees per Semester No Tuition Fee
Cost per Semester 341 EUR
Step 2 - Check Application Requirements
⏱️ Application Start Summer
No information

⏱️ Application Deadline Summer
⏱️ Application Start Winter

⏱️ Application Deadline Winter

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Application Requirements

Language Requirements

Cambridge (CAE) No information

School reports that provide evidence of learning the foreign language for at least 5 years, if the language was learned up to the final examinations that entitle pupils to study at a university. The final grade or the average grade from the final two years of language learning must be at least the equivalent of a German grade 4 (adequate). A course at a post-secondary education centre (e.g. a university), which lasted at least one year and the language, evidence of which needs to be provided, was the primary language of tuition. UNIcert II® B2 Evidence of having successfully completed a language course if a final certificate was issued. Level B 2 Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) Level 3 Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Internet Based / the traditional TOEFL iBT test in a test center / the TOEFL iBT Home Edition / the TOEFL iBT Paper Edition iBT 72-94 points Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) 400-485 points (listening) and 385-450 points (reading) International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Min. band score 5.5 - 6.5 telc English B 2, B 2 School, Business, Technical English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) (Cambridge University) First Certificate in English (FCE), Certificate in English Language Skills (CELS) Vantage or Business English Certificate (BEC) Vantage College English Test (CET) Band 6 Pearson PTE Academic Sprachniveau B2: 75 – 59 Punkte

Qualification Requirements

Passed Bachelor's or Diploma I examination in economics or subject equivalent and proof of a standard period of study of at least six semesters and proof of 210 credits and proof of knowledge of the English language on level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. International students: additionally proof of knowledge of the German language on level DSH 2 or equivalent and convincing presentation of the personal motivation as well as the professional suitability for the Master's program, as proven by previous academic achievements and scientific work, in a letter of motivation of no more than one page. Subject matter relevance is established when at least the following achievements are demonstrated: At least 60 credits in business administration, including at least 30 credits in one of the specializations (for the specializations offered, see the short description of the program). and achievements in mathematics or statistics or econometrics amounting to a total of at least 18 credits and achievements in economics amounting to at least 12 credits. If motivation or aptitude for the master's program is not clearly evident, the examination committee may schedule a hearing.

Document Requirements

Scan of your certificate of higher education entrance qualification (e.g. Allgemeine Hochschulreife (Abitur), Fachhochschulreife (Fachabitur)) Scan of your first professional university degree (certificate: e.g. Bachelor, Diplom I, Staatsexamen) If you do not yet have a Bachelor degree certificate at the time of application, please upload the following evidence: At the time of application, at least 80% of the work required for a degree must already have been completed and passed. This equates to 144 out of 180 or 168 out of 210 credits. In addition, proof of admission to the Bachelor's thesis (indicating the date of submission) must be available. Preliminary overview of subjects and grades of your previous studies and the certificate on the status in your studies filled in and signed by your current examination office. Further evidence specified in the examination regulations (see above) If applicable, supplementary application form (only in: Computer Science, Sustainable Management, REE, Social Law and Social Economy, Environmental Engineering). Proof of health insurance ("Versi­che­rungs­be­stä­ti­gung für Hoch­schule") Membership certificates are not accepted. Please apply for a digital insurance certificate ("Meldung 10") from your statutory health insurance company for enrollment at the University of Kassel, which the health insurance company will transmit electronically directly to the University of Kassel. For this purpose, please inform your health insurance company of the dispatch number of the University of Kassel. This is: H0000479. If you are privately insured, you must contact a statutory health insurance company with your private insurance certificate. The statutory health insurance company will then digitally notify the University of Kassel that you are "not subject to (statutory) health insurance". See also: Scan of your university semesters, This information can either be found on an Exmatrikulationsbescheinigung, on a Studienverlaufsbescheinigung, a master data sheet, an Immatrikulationsbescheinigung or a Bafög Bescheinigung. Scan of your proof of identity (identity card or passport) Portrait photo A digital portrait photo is required for the CampusCard (student ID). The photo: #must be passport-size (face without headgear and without sunglasses takes up most of the picture area)

Application Process

Acceptance Interview No
Acceptance local admission restrictions Restricted
Application directly at the University,
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