Step 1 - Find your Study Program

Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
Data Science
Subjects: Data Science;Science;Technology
M.Sc. | Master of Science
Course description
Data Science is the art of extracting knowledge and insights from data. It demands skills in both statistical analysis and computer-based data processing. The elite Data Science program at LMU Munich is a collaborative effort between the Department of Statistics and the Institute for Informatics. This program is part of the Elite Network of Bavaria and enjoys its support. The curriculum is structured into modules, covering statistical and computational methods essential for handling large and complex data sets. Students learn how to collect, manage, and analyze these data sets to extract valuable information. The program also includes courses on data security, data confidentiality, and data ethics, ensuring a well-rounded education. In practical modules, students engage with real-world problems, working alongside industrial partners. The program also features summer schools and focused tutorials, providing additional learning opportunities. This comprehensive approach equips students with the skills needed to excel in the field of data science.
Program Information
Study Location | Munich |
Start Semester | Winter |
Study Form | Full-time |
Study Type | Postgraduate |
Teaching Language | English |
Dual | No |
Remote | No |
Application Fee non-EU | No information |
Study Length | 4 Semesters |
Tuition Fees per Semester | No Tuition Fee |
Cost per Semester | 85.0 EUR |
Step 2 - Check Application Requirements
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Application Requirements
Language Requirements
CEFR | No information |
IELTS | No information |
Cambridge (CAE) | No information |
TOEFL IBT | No information |
Proficiency in English: at least B2 CEFR (or equivalent); or English university entrance qualification; or first degree in English.
Qualification Requirements
Bachelor of Science (or equivalent) in Statistics or Informatics or related disciplines (at least 180 ECTS or equivalent). Excellent knowledge in Informatics and Statistics. Applicants need to provide evidence of knowledge in the following fields: Statistical Science and Data-Based Modelling: This includes, in particular, statistics and topics such as data mining, probability theory, and machine learning (at least 30 ECTS or equivalent). (Average Grade 2) Computer Science and Computational Methods: This includes, in particular, data structures and algorithms, database systems, programming principles and practice, software engineering (at least 30 ECTS or equivalent). (Average Grade 3) Overall Average Grade must be better than 1.5. The overall average grade is composed of (1) Average Grade 1: the average grade from the best performance (equivalent to 150 ECTS), (2) Average Grade 2, and (3) Average Grade 3. → Overall average grade = (Av1+Av2+Av3)/3 Proficiency in English: at least B2 CEFR (or equivalent); or English university entrance qualification; or first degree in English. You need to fulfill all the requirements if you want to apply.
Document Requirements
The following documents must be submitted by all applicants via the portal: Transcript of records Bachelor certificate (if not yet available, it needs to be provided no later than 30 September 2024) Essay "Data Science" (in which you look at the developments and perspectives of Data Science as well as your planned area of specialisation, and your previous experience; max. 1,000 words) Proof of proficiency in English (see requirements) Applicants who do not hold German citizenship and have obtained their certificates and degrees from non-German institutions have to apply simultaneously to the LMU International Office.
Application Process
Acceptance Interview | Yes |
Acceptance local admission restrictions | Admission Exam |
Application | directly at the University |
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